
Did you know, you have 60 reflex points in your feet associated with your whole body?

This includes your:

  • kidney
  • liver
  • sinus
  • neck
  • hips
  • shoulders
  • knees
  • digestive system
  • and more!

During a reflexology session we work every single reflex point by applying gentle pressure, allowing the body to relax and to come back into alignment.

Ready to try Reflexology for yourself?

  • A little chat about Boundaries… Using Expectations to set Boundaries and a Sweet Little Reminder that it is not necessary to explain, justify or seek approval.

    Boundaries No need to Justify

Let go of that which no longer serves you.

As an energy healer, I am committed to holding a safe space for you to release that which no longer serves you.

My Mission is to help you live your Best Life!