How Full is Your Life is Happening Cup?
When your “Life is Happening” cup gets to full we can feel very reactive… lets empty that out to creating space, making it easier to Respond.
A Simple Easy Way to Calm the Nervous System
When your mind gets busy and its hard to calm down… did you know that you can adjust your breath to let your nervous system know that you are safe.
What is Your Natural Tendency
What is your natural tendency and how can you stretch and grow and still honour yourself… the answer… recovery time.
Back Pack Full of Rocks
Who’s “Stuff” are you carrying and who is it helping… Sometime we think we are helping… are we really? Or are we just weighing ourselves down…
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before you Help Another…
To Help manage and maintain our energy fields… its very important to make sure we do not “help” to depletion. 3 questions to ask.
Boundaries No need to Justify
A little chat about Boundaries… Using Expectations to set Boundaries and a Sweet Little Reminder that it is not necessary to explain, justify or seek approval.