Right or Wrong ~ Good or Bad
If we get stuck in the right or wrong, good or bad… its easy to play the blame/victim game… lets shift that energy to what is or isn’t a good match or fit.
Whats in that room you forgot about???
Imagine if you had a room that you forgot about in your home… when you opened the door you found lots of stuff… some is yours… some is not…
The Story Of How I Got Here
A little over view of my journey… from nursing… to working at truck stop… to a sales role… to lashes… to reflexology… to energy healing…
My Cat/Video Library Story
My sweet Cat was feeling out of sorts… not herself… I played the Cat Energy Clearing from my Video Library and she settled to sleep!
What Are You Holding = Handcuffs
When you hold onto an emotion like guilt… its like your handcuffing yourself to the person or situation…
Your Story
Whatever Story you Speak… inside your head or out of your mouth… your are feeding that energy… make it good!
Dis-Ease what I do and what I don’t do
What I can do is clear Energy to the best of my ability… What I can not do is change anything that is written in the stars>
Over Reaction +
A little more to add… Be KIND to Yourself! We are all doing our best in each moment!
Over Reaction isn’t even a thing
Did you know Over Reaction isn’t even thing… Basically you are always reacting in perfect accordance to your level of misalignment
Compassion and Empathy
Have Compassion and Empathy for yourself and others. We often use confirmation bias can all find “proof” to back up what we believe…